As I'm sure no one needs to tell you, completing a novel can be a somewhat daunting process. At times it can seem that there are a million permutations of the editing process: Editorial Assessments, Developmental Edits, Beta Reading, Line Edits, Copy Edits, Proofreading...where does it all end? Add to all that the task of finding an editor who not only aligns with your writing style and understands the meaning of your work but also fits your budget and it can seem just about miraculous that anything at all gets published these days.
I believe that every story out there deserves the benefit of a professional editor. I also recognize that my clients are coming to me from a wide range of life circumstances, and some may not have the income to pay what a lot of editors out there are charging these days.
For these reasons I've elected to keep my rates as simple and as affordable as possible. They are as follows:
Additionally, I do from time to time take on pro bono work as my schedule and general energy levels allow. If you would like to discuss this further, please reach out to me at
Submit a 1000-word sample of your novel, novella, or short story, and I'll return a sample developmental or line edit in just a few days!